Ratio Christi Invites Media to Annual Apologetics Event Keynote Speaker Dr. George Yancey

Ratio Christi Invites Media to Annual Apologetics Event — Keynote Speaker Dr. George Yancey
Contact: Sheryl Young, Media Outreach Coordinator, Ratio Christi, 813-486-8594, sherylyoung@ratiochristi.org

INDIAN TRAIL, N.C., Aug. 12, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ — Ratio Christi announces its fifth annual Apologetics Symposium and Student Retreat to take place October 17 and 18, 2015, at Heritage International Ministries Conference Retreat Center in Fort Mill, South Carolina.

Theme — “Endure: Confident Hope in a Troubled World.”

Keynote Banquet Speaker — Dr. George Yancey: “Surviving (and Thriving) with Christianophobia.”

The annual event is in conjunction with Southern Evangelical Seminary’s National Conference on Christian Apologetics, October 16 and 17 at Calvary Church in nearby Charlotte, North Carolina.

Ratio Christi Campus Apologetics Alliance has over 150 chapters at universities in the U.S. The ministry equips students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. At the same time, these chapters provide a safe and charitable venue for atheists, agnostics, skeptics, and adherents to any religion to investigate the claims of Christianity, discuss religious beliefs, and seek truth without fearing reprisal.

Dr. George Yancey, widely known in apologetics circles, is a professor of sociology at the University of North Texas. He has an academic interest in anti-Christian attitudes in the United States. Yancey states:

“While in my early academic career I dealt with racial issues, I am now focused on issues of Christianophobia and anti-Christian bias in academia. I find that many of the lessons I learned dealing with racial issues also apply to anti-Christian bias.”

Yancey has authored four books on the subject and other works on both racism and religion.

Ratio Christi President and CEO Corey Miller: “RC is on the cutting edge of campus apologetics. We’ve come to a point in our society where Christians must not only defend their faith but defend their right to defend their faith. We want to help.”

This event is open to the public. Registration includes the options of attending SES and Ratio Christi sessions, RC Student Retreat (high school and college students only), and the Benefit Banquet. Those interested in registering can visit the Ratio Christi website.

Media representatives can cover the Symposium events and arrange interviews with Dr. Yancey or a Ratio Christi spokesperson by contacting Sheryl Young, Media Outreach Coordinator, sherylyoung@ratiochristi.org or (813) 486-8594.

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