Connect the Dots: Responding to the Tough Questions in Word, Story and Deed
Trinity Western University, Langley, BC Canada
July 10 – July 15, 2016
What’s the toughest question about or objection to the Christian faith you’ve been faced with? Perhaps it concerned God and science; or the problem of evil; or gender and sexuality; or violence and the Old Testament. Questions like these can be challenging and intimidating—but at the same time, they can present incredible opportunities if we can learn to connect our answers to the gospel.
But because the gospel is more than just words, good apologetics needs to engage the heart and the imagination as well as the head if we are going to reach the questioner behind the question. We also need to learn to get inside the lives of those with whom we share Christ, to learn what makes them tick and then show how the Christian faith explains those things they care deeply about—justice and compassion, beauty and art, science and truth—in a way that other worldviews do not.
RZIM Canada’s 2016 Summer School, taking place in beautiful British Columbia, will help you learn to tackle the big questions—but do so in a way that addresses the whole person. We’ll show how the best answers are intellectually rich, imaginatively powerful, and make a practical difference in the real world.
Canadian culture is undergoing seismic shifts and that can sometimes be unnerving. But 2,000 years ago, the apostle Paul, writing to Christians who were also struggling to engage their culture and share their faith, encouraged his readers to “Let your speech be always gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Col 4:6). I warmly invite you to join members of the RZIM speaking team and other world-class speakers next summer who want to help you to do that more effectively, so that you can be better equipped not just to answer questions but to answer people.
I hope to see you there.
Andy Bannister