Ahmadiyya Muslims-the incoherence of an ‘ahistorical’ worldview-Part 2

(Part 1 of this series can be found, here) Mirza Ghulum Ahmad’s self-understanding as the ‘Promised Messiah’ and incarnation of all prophets Professor Adil Hussain Khan sums up the extraordinary self-understanding of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslims, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad: I would ar
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Ahmadiyya Muslims-the incoherence of an ‘ahistorical’ worldview-Part 1

Over the last couple of years, I have had the opportunity to get to know and dialogue with members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community. In spite of our differences in regard to our worldviews and beliefs, I consider these members as friends, as I believe they do me. Our discussions have
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The Jesus Seminar- a ‘new gospel, new fiction’-the making of a fabricated Jesus

I recently attended a dialogue between a Christian pastor and an Ahmadiyya Muslim imam. The topic of the dialogue was, Did Jesus Die on the Cross? (Please see my previous post, Did Jesus Die on the Cross, here) After the presentation by both of the speakers, no opportunity was given t
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