Is religion the cause of most wars?

Is religion the cause of most wars? Well, according to Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins, avowed proponents of the New Atheism (nothing new about the substance, just voiced in a new and vitriolic tone), the answer is yes, religion is the cause of most wars. Harris states that religion is
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From whence comes science? Why did science arise? When and where?

In his excellent essay, Christianity and the Birth of Science, Michael Bumbulis offers the following overview of the founders of modern science and what the vast majority had in common—a theistic worldview: “The founders of modern science were all bunched into a particular geogr
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Can Science Account for Everything? Some say yes, but the answer is…

  In a 1998 debate featuring William Lane Craig and Peter Atkins, Atkins posed the following challenge to Craig in which he asserts that science can account for everything. At one point in the debate Atkins states that ‘science is omnipotent.’ (It is Ok to go ahead and have a chu
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