The Historical Reliability of Jesus’ Resurrection-Jürgen Spieß–Podcast—here
The resurrection of Jesus is the basis for Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15) and Christian hope (1 Peter 1–3). Therefore the historicity of Jesus’ death and resurrection is crucial for Christianity. In this lecture we will discuss what can be said about the evidences of Jesus’ resurrection from the perspective of an historian.
The Resurrection-Alister McGrath–complete article here If Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, never to die again, he is instantly marked out as being distinct from every other person in history. He would be unique. There would be something dramatically different about him. The only question remaining would relate to the nature of his uniqueness – a question which Christian theology has answered in the doctrine of the incarnation. Yet the apologist will be aware that the resurrection of Christ proves a major stumbling block to many people. The reasons for this centre upon three issues: the improbability of the event, the unreliability of the New Testament witnesses to the event, and its irrelevance to life. We shall explore some of these issues in the present section.
Q. Don’t the resurrection accounts contradict each other?–Josh McDowell Ministry
A common objection to the fact of the resurrection is that the four Gospel narratives contain hopeless contradictions. If the four accounts were placed in parallel columns, a number of apparent differences would be highlighted. However, these apparent differences ultimately confirm the truthfulness of these accounts, rather than refute them. (For complete article click here.)
Easter Sunrise Service 2016 with Michael Ramsden
Michael Ramsden speaks to a gathering at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem on Easter morning, March 2016. Michael makes the case that the Christian faith is one based on historical evidence–historical facts of the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth–“The biblical view of saving Christian faith has never had anything to do with blind leaping. Jesus himself was fixed on the idea that we can know the truth-and not just in some spiritual or mystical way. Rather, he taught that we can know the truth about God, humans, and salvation objectively. That is, the very best forms of investigation, evidence, and careful reasoning will inevitably point to God and His great plans for us” –Craig Hazen
Gary Habermas on Resurrection Evidence from Critical Scholars
The Bethinking National Apologetics Day Conference: “Countering the New Atheism” took place during the UK Reasonable Faith Tour in October 2011. In this session (Part 4), Prof Gary Habermas takes us through recent developments, in historical scholarship, which allow even a sceptical reader to infer the Resurrection of Jesus from established facts of the New Testament.
J. Warner Wallace Talking About the Resurrection of Jesus
Is Christianity A Reasonable Faith?–Dr. Craig Hazen–One Minute Apologist–(One Minute Apologist Youtube channel, here)
The Resurrection Meets Skepticism-Gary Habermas, PhD
Eastside Christian Church (February 2015)