A common objection by modern day skeptics is to deny that Christianity was founded upon the teaching of Jesus Christ, but instead is a mere copycat of other more ancient religions. More specifically, these skeptics deny that Christ was crucified, and point to other crucifixion accounts contained in these other religious traditions. In this, Islam is in agreement. While acknowledging that Jesus was an historical figure, the Qur’an denies the crucifixion. The Qur’an states in Sura 4:157, “And because of their [Jews] saying ‘We killed Messiah Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah – but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it appeared so to them .. and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely they killed him not.”
Was Jesus really crucified, or is this just a copycat legend borrowed from pre-Christian mystery religions? Was Jesus not really crucified as the Qur’an states? Is there any evidence outside the Bible itself to substantiate the crucifixion? [Radical Truth web site-here]
The scholars in the following videos posit answers to these questions.
The Crucifixion of Jesus, Fact or Fiction? – William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig discusses how we can be near certain, that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed crucified.
Historical Evidence for Jesus Crucifixion–Nabeel Qureshi
Experts’ Evidence for Jesus’ Crucifixion
Dr Peter Williams and Dr David Instone Brewer look at the Munich Talmud, which contains traditional Jewish teaching, and discover how even the deleted text provides evidence for Jesus’ crucifixion! Find out more at our website: http://tyndalehouse.com
The Crucifixion of Jesus–A Medical Perspective–Dr. David Acuna–trauma surgeon
Death of Jesus Christ: Medical Perspective
A Physician Looks at the Crucifixion-Carl McCurdy, MD
Further articles on the historicity of the crucifixion:
The question: Why was Jesus crucified? ‘What think ye of Christ? Whose son is he?’-Matt. 22:42 , found here